Many businesses utilise their Assets in different ways. The Formitize Asset Management module allows you to keep your asset information well organised, easier to manage, and integrated with your CRM database, locations, jobs and forms.
Related articles:
- Assets Overview
- How do I opt in to Assets Management?
- How do I access the Asset Module?
- How much does it cost to Opt in to the Assets Management Module?
- How do I view a specific client's Assets?
- Can I reallocate an Asset to a different Client?
- How do I manually add a new Asset?
- How do I edit an Asset?
- Can I delete an Asset?
- Can I recover an archived Asset?
- How do I create a new Asset Type?
- Can I edit an Asset Type?
- Can I delete an Asset Type?
- Can I change the Asset Type of an existing Asset?
- What is the difference between location and mobile Assets?
- How do I view when mobile assets have been scheduled?
- How do I add a Resource to an Asset?
- How do I export information for a trend report on Assets?
- How do Forms and Jobs link to the Asset card?
- How do I set up an Asset table in a Form?
- How do I automatically update an Asset via a Form?
- How do I separate Assets via Zones in a Form?
- Why is my form Asset table not working after I updated the Assets?
- How do Jobs and Assets link together? (for each Asset Type)
- How do I export a report on Assets?
- Where do I find a Change Logs list for an Asset?
- Asset API functions