A booking reminder for when a Job is created can be sent to your client to confirm the details of the job. This is created as a Job Status Update in Job Type Templates.

Click here to create your Booking Reminder to create your Booking Reminder for when a Job Is Created. 

Below is a template of a suggested Email Booking Reminder for when a job is created;

The wording in square brackets are where place holders can be used to bring in the information from the job that is created. 

When adding this wording to your template use Ctrl + Space to replace the square bracket information with a Formitize placeholder.

Hi [Billing Name],

Thank you for booking a [Job Type] with [Business Name].

Our team member will arrive at [Due Time] at [Location] on [Due Date].

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office directly on [Business Telephone].

Kind regards,
[Business Name]
[Business Address] [Business Suburb]
[Business Telephone]

Using the above content will look like the below when creating the Job Type Template Communication.