On the App before logging in there is a settings cog in the lower right corner which brings up settings options.. 

After tapping the Settings Cog, there are three sub-sections: General, Photos, Troubleshooting.


In the General settings, you'll find options regarding GPS location tracking and Sync / Backup settings.


In Photos, you can select the Quality and Resolution for the photos that you take via the App.


This is where you can find settings that may assist you in keeping your App tidy and running smoothly, and also record information that will help our Support staff to assist you if you require further assistance. There are four main sections that cover Troubleshooting:

Clean Files - Removes old files that are no longer needed to create more space on the device.

Clear & Resync App Data - Removes all locally stored data from the device apart from Saved Forms and allows for a fresh Sync to the Portal

Rebuild Database - Can correct errors on data tables, usually you are given a message when this is needed.

Submit Logs - Sends the data from the phone to our development team, along with any notes that you might be able to add. Only needed when its requested by the support team